Sustainability Report 2022

T-Mobile Czech Republic, a.s.

Detailed report in PDF

ESG introduction

Sustainability, responsibility and ethics. As the largest operator in the Czech Republic with almost 6.5 million customers, it is essential for us to adhere to the principles of sustainability, go beyond them and set an example for others. Through our ESG agenda, we at T-Mobile Czech Republic monitor the broad implications of the impact of our business on nature, society and our employees.

ESG is an increasingly popular term which is not only gaining more and more attention in the media, but one which society is also placing more and more emphasis on across the business sector. This is after all a driver of change which can truly change society for the better.

Jose Perdomo Lorenzo

CEO of T-Mobile Czech Republic

The year 2022 was strongly influenced by the war in Ukraine. I am proud of the speed and efficiency with which we and our staff have engaged in helping people fleeing this act of aggression. The second half of the year was then marked by an unfavourable economic situation when we too searched even more intensively for ways to ensure energy efficiency and savings. Despite all this, we still managed to fulfil our ESG strategy because we consider sustainable and responsible business to be the cornerstone of our presence and success in the Czech market.

ESG strategy of Deutsche Telekom group

Be the leading global sustainable, digital telco

Building a climate-neutral future

Leading the way with net-zero GHG emissions by 2040 and enabling customers and society to follow towards net-zero.

Striving for full circularity

Becoming fully circular around technology and devices by 2030, taking the whole value chain along.


Being the best team

Becoming an employer of choice, promoting diversity, equity and inclusion in our teams and investing in future skills.

Shaping the digital society

Overcoming the digital divide and enabling society, while making the digital world a safe and tolerant space for everyone.


Good corporate conduct integrated into strategy, targets and governance systems

You manage what you measure – constant steering and measuring of progress towards sustainability targets.


DT Group Sustainability report 2022

ESG strategy
of T-Mobile Czech Republic

Moving a connected Czech Republic in the right direction.

Build partnerships ● Aim for systemic change ● Think long-term ● We search for synergies with business
● Use our superpower ● We initiate dialogue


Climate change and resource efficiency


Progress through connectivity and digital inclusion


Personal well-being in a digital world

The UN Sustainable Development Goals which we focus on

The UN Sustainable Development Goals which we focus on (also known as SDGs) were adopted by the United Nations in 2015 and provide a basic global framework for sustainable behaviour by nations and companies. For T-Mobile Czech Republic, these SDGs are the cornerstone of sustainable business. For example, our activities contribute to better quality education, gender equality, decent working conditions or the sustainability of towns and villages.

We work with all segments of society to meet our sustainability goals with specifically targeted content.


No Poverty


Zero Hunger


Quality Education


Good Health and Well-Being


Gender Equality


Clean Water and Sanitation


Affordable and Clean Energy


Decent Work and Economic Growth


Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure


Reduced Inequalities


Sustainable Cities and Communities


Responsible Consumption and Production


Climate Action


Life Below Water


Life on Land




We focus on minimising our environmental impact through innovation, investment in renewable energy and digitalisation. We search for ways to reduce emissions and measure our carbon footprint. We strive to adhere to the principle of circularity and recycle as much as possible.

2021 – 100% of electricity from renewable sources

2025 – Scope 1-2 climate neutrality

2030 – Full circularity of technologies and equipment

2040 – Scope 1-3 climate neutrality

Carbon footprint

Measures to mitigate climate change are a priority for us. We are ISO 14001 (EMS) certified and are audited annually by the accredited certification company TÜV SÜD.

As part of the Deutsche Telekom Group, we are committed to a substantial reduction in our carbon footprint by 2025 and climate neutrality by 2040 at the latest.


We focus on keeping our energy consumption as low as possible and managing it efficiently. We rent premises which are not currently in use, upgrade equipment and introduce free cooling instead of active cooling as well as replace power units and power supplies. We have launched the ECCO2 programme which allows all of our employees to suggest changes and cost-saving measures which will help us reduce energy consumption and CO2e emissions.

We cover all of our electricity consumption by purchasing from renewable sources. We are also working on pilot projects to produce our own electricity from renewable sources.


We are eliminating unnecessary paper and single-use plastics in our stores. All stores use only paper bags, e-price tags and we print contracts only subject to request. In 2022, 98.9% of our invoices were sent electronically.

We stopped printing the quarterly magazine and the monthly catalogue. This saves approximately 6,120 kg of paper per year, i.e. 252 trees.


We have reduced the volume of printed documents and paper contracts we send to customers. This reduces paper consumption and emissions from transport. 50% of contracts are now signed by customers completely digitally without the need for a courier to visit them.

We use reusable containers to supply our stores and reduce the use of disposable packaging.

We also encourage our logistics partners to adopt environmentally friendly delivery methods.


We support the collection and recycling of old electrical equipment. We are a member of the ASEKOL collective system and collect end-of-life electrical equipment at all our stores. We also lease equipment such as modems and routers to our customers, which we refurbish and reuse when returned.

We sort waste in our offices and kitchens. We participate in the EKO-KOM system. Our contribution to this scheme in 2022 enabled the recovery and recycling of 18 tonnes of packaging waste.


SIM cards

Approximately 20% of the phones in our range support so-called eSIMs which are completely waste-free. In 2022, 73,000 customers activated eSIM profiles. As a result of this, almost 150 kg of plastic waste was avoided.

In the case of conventional SIM cards, we have been using half-size plastic cards since the middle of 2021, saving 2g of plastic per card.

Paperless HR

We are continuing the process of internal digitalisation which we started in 2021. We have an electronic employee file and 75% of our employees have R-Sign which allows them to sign employment documents electronically via their mobile phones.

We have reduced the number of forms by more than 60% and converted the remaining forms to electronic format. By the end of 2023, we want to have all documents generated digitally, including signatures. The goal is to sign 80% of all documents digitally.

Telephones and other devices

Our offer includes used iPhones which have undergone complete inspection and have the original components.
We use the Eco Rating system which rates the environmental impact of manufacturing, use, transport and disposal of mobile phones.

This system helps customers better understand how their phone choice affects the environment. In 2022, we introduced our own smartphone under the T Phone brand, which achieved an Eco Rating score of 74.

Smart Forest Landscape by the Czech University of Life Sciences

We supported the Smart Forest Landscape Jevany project implemented by the Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague. This unique project focuses on adapting our forests to the conditions which science predicts will prevail after 2050.

Our support for this project is part of the group-wide Good Cause initiative which focuses on forest and water conservation in all of the European countries where Deutsche Telekom companies operate.


We have over 3,200 employees in the Czech Republic and their satisfaction and development is a key priority. We support community activities, non-profit organisations, disadvantaged groups and people who find themselves in difficult situations in their lives. Provision of assistance in times of emergency is something we take for granted. That is one of the reasons why 2022 was also a year marked by provision of help for people who had to leave their homes because of the war in Ukraine. In the social area, we continued to focus on digital inclusion and strengthening the digital and media literacy of Czech society.

Volunteer hours worked

Together with employees

Let’s help the stories

In the tenth year of our traditional collection among employees to help their loved ones who have found themselves in difficult situations in their lives, we helped 20 stories with a total of CZK 1,003,500 thanks to the generosity of colleagues who donated over CZK 500,000 and multiplication of the proceeds by the company. This help was intended for people such as a single mother with cancer, severely burned siblings and a family where the father suffers from incurable amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

Petra Hézlová Memorial

A sporting event for the whole family in Louny, co-organised annually by our employees in memory of a deceased colleague. Proceeds from visitors and our financial donation help the Oncology Department at Chomutov Hospital.

Three Kings Collection

The Three Kings Collection, the largest Czech charity collection event organised by our long-standing partner, Caritas Czech Republic is a traditional event which we participate in. We supported it financially with CZK 1 million and a communication campaign reaching out to our clients and the public with information about how to contribute to the collection.

Day for a Good Deed

Every year, our colleagues help out in many organisations over the course of one day dedicated to performing good deeds. 2022 was no exception and our colleagues didn’t hesitate to take part. They also helped refugees in connection with the war in Ukraine.

A total of 301 employees volunteered in 26 non-profit organisations and donated 2,408 hours of their time, enthusiasm and experience to a good cause. Above and beyond the framework of the Day for a Good Deed, other employees trained senior citizens on how to use modern technology properly or went to the Ukrainian border with humanitarian aid.

Together with customers

Christmas collection for Právě Teď!

Right on Christmas Eve, we prepared a special surprise for our customers in our My T-Mobile app - a joint gift in the form of a good deed. We launched a collection to raise funds for the Právě Teď! organisation and for every crown donated by customers, we added another.
The proceeds amounting to CZK 1,196,282 helped senior citizens to pay for leisure activities which help them to combat loneliness and improve their mental and physical condition.

T-Mobile Olympic Run

Every year we organise the T-Mobile Olympic Run, where part of the proceeds from the entry fee goes to the Czech Olympic Foundation, which focuses on supporting sports for children who would otherwise not be able to play sports for financial reasons. A total of CZK 420,000 was collected from competitors in 2022.

Contributions and Donations

Helping refugees from Ukraine

We were deeply affected by the war in Ukraine and immediately got involved in helping people who have had to leave their homes because of it.
The total value of our aid exceeded 95 million crowns.

For a few months, we allowed refugees to call and send text messages from/to Ukraine completely free of charge. We have distributed nearly 84,000 SIM cards to refugees with data and credit for making calls and sending texts. Immediately after the outbreak of the war, we launched a collection to raise funds for Caritas Czech Republic to help people affected by the conflict and together with our employees we raised CZK 8,000,000 (one third by employees, two thirds by the company).

Our employees had the opportunity to take advantage of 3 paid days to volunteer and dozens of them did so. They helped directly at the border, in assistance centres and in preparation of emergency accommodation for refugees. We financially supported online interpreting for Ukrainians, which has proven to be useful for visits to authorities, doctors or schools.
It goes without saying that we blocked pro-Russian disinformation websites and removed Russian TV channels from our TV offer.

95,000,000 CZK

was the total value of the aid

84,000 SIM cards

donated SIM cards with credit and data

8,000,000 CZK

raised in our fundraiser

3 work days

dedicated to volunteering per employee

Company values

Pillars of corporate culture

Magenta Way

Perfectly managing customer satisfaction is the only way to sustain long-term results.
We are courageously changing. Greater value with less effort is our way.
We win and lose together.
Starting with myself...

During 2022, despite challenging circumstances, 82-83% of our employees said that they feel happy or very happy in the company. We strive to support the work-life balance of our employees, offering flexible working hours and a variety of health and leisure benefits, including sporting challenges.

Diversity and Flexibility

Our company values and supports diversity at all levels. We are committed to fair treatment and equal opportunities for all, regardless of age, gender, nationality, health or other characteristics. As part of these efforts, we have launched a project to promote diversity and inclusion. In 2022, our company had 3,187 employees. 34% were women and the average age was 39.5 years.

Diversity and flexibility

Employees health

Health and well-being

We provided employees a free uLékař app for health consultations and preventive care. We organised health days and various thematic events focused on health and preventive care (physical conditioning, ergonomics and dental hygiene, etc.). We expanded the range of exercise and massage services and increased the number of points in the cafeteria for health and wellness services. We also handed out vouchers for vitamins and medicines.

Talent programme

In 2022, we launched a talent programme for approximately 65 people. We focused the programme on development of skills in digital thinking, health and well-being, the agile approach and networking support. Each participant also underwent a personality diagnosis and consultation.

Mental health

Promoting the mental health of our employees is a priority for us. We offer psychological help, consultations and webinars. In 2022, we held 302 consultations and 12 webinars on various topics with an average attendance of 14 people. On average, 25 employees contact us on the psychology line every month. After the outbreak of the conflict in Ukraine, we also started to offer consultation in Ukrainian.

Training and development


We offered all talent programme participants the opportunity to participate in the specific T-Challengers programme. To be nominated, they had to propose an innovation or an interesting idea. Its implementation in concrete form then became the focus of the programme. 23 people from T-Mobile Czech Republic are participating in the programme and are involved in a total of 6 innovative projects.

Trainee programme

In 2022, we had 17 participants in our trainee program. This programme aims to integrate participants into fully-fledged positions in our company. During this period, participants were involved in a number of projects and two of them have even become full-time employees.


We believe in lifelong learning. That is why the T-University platform was created, which enables employees to develop their personal and professional competencies.

In 2022, we held 118 training sessions across the University, attended by 1,855 employees. The greatest interest was in courses focused on agile management, brand and corporate identity, change management, brain and memory training.


We were recognised by university students through the Top Employers in Telecommunications award, where we were ranked 1st.


We build our business on sustainable and responsible foundations. We want to set a positive example for others. We focus on respect for human rights, fair working conditions, environmental protection, transparent communication and the fight against corruption. We inspire and motivate not only our employees, but also our customers and business partners to adopt a responsible attitude. Concerning digital security, we strive to educate and protect our employees along with vulnerable customer groups.

We follow the rules determined by the certifications we hold

ISO 14 001 Environmental Management System (EMS)
ISO 50 001 Energy Management System (EnMS)
ISO 9 001 Quality Management System (QMS)
ISO 20 000-1 Service Management System (SMS)
ISO 22 301 Business Continuity Management System (BCMS)
ISO 27 001 Information Security Management System (ISMS)
ISO 27 018 Data Protection in the Cloud

In 2022, we successfully passed recertification audits for ISO 50 001 and ISO 22 301 and surveillance audits for ISO 9 001, ISO 14 001, ISO 20 000-1, ISO 27 001 and ISO 27 018.

These certificates prove to our customers and partners that we meet demanding quality requirements not only in the field of safety. They are also used for tenders or as a supplement to contractual relations.

Prevention of corruption

We make sure that we comply with all laws applicable to doing business in the Czech Republic. We place emphasis on the conduct of all our employees following the company’s Code of Ethics and all laws, standards and relevant internal regulations. Rules for preventing corruption and avoiding conflicts of interest, accepting and providing benefits (including invitations to events), sponsorship or cooperation with consultants are defined in the Guidelines on Measures to Prevent Corrupt Practices.

Security and digital inclusion

Security is a key aspect for us. We focus on protecting client data, ensuring employee safety, and supporting network stability and security. In 2022, we worked intensively on implementation of the Firewall 2.0 project to introduce a technical solution which allows us to control incoming calls online and to allow or block incoming calls based on defined rules.

Ethical behaviour

The Code of Ethics applies to our employees and all employees of the Deutsche Telekom Group without exception. The Code summarises the philosophies and visions of the company and all those who constitute it. It promotes the implementation of corporate values in the company’s daily life, while linking them to the standards set by existing legislative and internal rules. We therefore monitor the market closely and are very sensitive to and evaluate aspects of our partners’ business such as long-term sustainability, environmental impact and social responsibility. Read more.
We are a proud partner and supporter of the NGO Transparency International Czech Republic. Its mission is to map the state of corruption in the Czech Republic and actively contribute to its reduction.

T-Mobile in numbers



Total number of customers



Number of prepaid card users


Number of viewers of T-Mobile TV



Mobile data consumption


billion CZK



billion CZK



billion CZK


47 %

of the population

5G network coverage



Access to fibre-optic internet


Number of stores


billion CZK

(8th largest corporate tax payer in 2022)

Final word

Our goal is to transparently communicate T-Mobile strategy for sustainable development and the impact of our business on the environmental and society. We strive to continuously improve and unify our data collection in order to provide relevant information to our customers, employees and suppliers.

Because of our commitment to you, we are dedicated to providing high-quality services and protecting our planet for future generations.

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